Welll, your opener was a little generic but it was okay.
First hit was good but can be done better.
Wow, next hit was amazing. powerful kick with a backflip.
Next hit looked weird, u dont use your foot to make the booms, it make the kick a little bit weird.
Pose was good.
10/10 :O :O :O ;O ;o

Joking, it's 9,3/10
Last edited by 17april; Aug 24, 2012 at 06:55 PM.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
I liked the opener to be honest.
The split was more of a slap but it was fast and powerful.
Great chest kick, but the transition to the leg grab wasn't very good. I usually try to keep the flow going even after the blows.
Nice crotch kick, nothing too amazing.
I liked the transition to the pose. You somehow made it stiff but still stylish, I have no idea how.

Sometimes when kicking I contract the hip I'm not using (unless I'm using it for leverage off the ground) and I think you could have done it on the first kick, I'm sure you could have got a bigger boomhit (if that was your objective).

Amazing job as usual.
oh yeah
Opener was okay.
Booms and Dm's were nice.
Pose was ok.

Random kickout and drag in again with your left leg didn't look good in the opener.
Posing. The pose was good but the way you got into the pose was stiff and kinda bad looking.

Yeah, thats about it.
Hey Tama . Long time no see. I see that your in Ormo now congratz.

Opener: Eh isnt one of your best openers but it still led you to a great replay. The split followed by the stylish boom was great. I didnt like the way you went into the pose but the pose wasnt that bad. 9/10

Hey Tama do you mind giving me tips and stuff on how to make good replays and stuff? I'm like really rusty.
Hey guys, here's a brand new fresh one. Just a simple split and decap, but I like it. Quick and I managed kept my balance.

By the way, if you see my new set, just know that I'm too lazy to actually make a set at the moment. Yes, it's very similar to larges old set, but I doesn't really matter considering it's just brackets and lines.

Enjoy the replay.
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Last edited by Marrez; Aug 29, 2012 at 11:32 AM.
the goblin
It was a nice splitcap, but the spin is not too impressive because the setup is the classic one that allows for a good spin without much effort. But putting that aside, it was a very nice spin, it was fast and the hit was clean.
After it, I found that contracting both elbows is not a very wise choice, but you still managed to punch his head off, and it was pretty clean.
You wiggled a bit to keep the pose balance, but the pose itself wass pretty cool.
oh yeah