now stop these worthless excuses and answer these 2 question. i don't need anything else from you now. when i will need something else, i will ask.
Given enough knowledge on how the brain works, it would be possible to fully program sentient beings such as ourselves.
about religion and moral values, please read "on agression" moral also come from our animal origin, so it's clearly not like god or religion or people invented morals.
we are social animals etc thats part of our nature
However you are not using logical inference, as I said before, you are ignoring basic logic and committing logical fallacies.
Your argument is not an attempt to prove that the existence of God beyond a reasonable doubt, it is merely a delusional extension of the confirmation bias. You want God to exist, therefore in your mind you are making coherent arguments. But to any outside observers, you are just patting yourself on the back with circular arguments and fallacies.
This is not a court of law. You are not a prosecutor trying to prove God's existence. You have not made any logical arguments to warrant the assertion of the existence of God. And even if you had, this is not a question of "is it possible for God to exist", there is a question of "does God exist".
Your most coherent argument is doxa, you said so yourself. Using doxa as fact is a logical fallacy. Ergo, you have no legs to stand on.
Once again, there is no point trying to assert that God exists if your only argument is a logical fallacy. It is neither logical nor reasonable nor proven that God exists, please stop acting as if it is.