Christmas Lottery
@Azure, I feel like a I really shouldn't bother to validate that with a reply, but I'll do it anyway.

What you're talking is not encouragement. You aren't encouraging people to not smoke. You're extorting them. It's force. You're locking someone up, taking away their freedom, because they chose to exercise their freedom.

Smoking weed isn't idiotic, like you say it is. The benefits outweight the negatives, as I've argued in this thread.

Also, in many cases, marijuana isn't inferior medicine. Shit that works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. Case in point; morphine. That's why medical marijuana's out there - to provide alternatives.

edit:@Cow, because your explanations were countered by my explanations. If you've ran out of points to argue then perhaps it's time to stop arguing.
Last edited by Turtlenecks; Jan 18, 2013 at 04:29 PM.
Turtlenecks, people are too stupid to be trusted with anything these days. (A person is smart, "people" are sheep-brained ignoramuses).

Let's leave this part of the argument at that.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
That doesn't prove anything considering there's many medicines that can do the same thing, and provide more pain relief than morphine so where does marijuana even fit into the equation?. It's not even on the same scale of drugs such as morphine, you aren't even proving the point that you're intending to make. You persist in stating it's an effective alternative when there's not enough cases of the specific conditions that it's absolutely necessary, but the simple fact of the matter is those people could take other treatments as well but in a number of those cases that marijuana is just being smoked and abused, or sold as it always has. It's there liberty though right? god forbid that people should take medicine to get over an illness, but no they have to choose the alternative that ends with them going through a house full of snack cakes.

So I'm equivalent to a dictator then? Because i praise more effective methods of medicine and hope for tomorrows youth to have better role models than potheads created today by posing this law?. Why do you treat the law as an outrageous restriction of freedom? You're thinking about yourself only instead of the country as a whole. Did you every stop to think what would happen if this passed, how many high school students would drop out, how many kids would think it's ok now, how many people will be introduced to drugs you haven't once stopped to think beyond yourself. That's the burden of the government to have ungrateful citizens biting at them like rebellious teenagers who think the world owes them everything.

And zayex is right this country isn't ready for it at all, we do so many stupid things already. If a sixteen year old girl gets pregnant she gets showered in praise, people still can't handle alcohol effectively, teenagers are progressively losing common sense and reasoning we aren't ready for marijuana, I wouldn't entrust this day and age with a un-sharpened pencil.
Last edited by AzureMage; Jan 18, 2013 at 04:59 PM.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
edit:@Cow, because your explanations were countered by my explanations. If you've ran out of points to argue then perhaps it's time to stop arguing.

What? No you just stopped replying to me...

You just randomly changed the topic when I posted that.

Do you advocate the deregulation of all controlled substances and objects?
My initial gut instincts say yes, and as I'm typing this, I'm racking my brains as to any reasons against that..

Guns.. everybody has the right to keep and bear arms, which I agree with.
Drugs.. everbody should have the right to do whatever they want with their body providing they aren't harming anyone

So yeah - fundamentally, I agree with the deregulation of controlled substances. I'd have to research more into that topic in order to develop my argument for it, though.

When the day comes and liberals cry our for help as out govt enslaves us I will use liberal/pro-gun ban faggots as bullet shields.
To expand:
We all know the second amendment was put in place to overthrow the government if it got too tyrannical, and the first layer of government enforcement are the police.

further edit:
Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
So I'm equivalent to a dictator then?

Originally Posted by AzureMage View Post
Because i praise more effective methods of medicine and hope for tomorrows youth to have better role models than potheads created today by posing this law?

No - Because you want to force peoples bodies to obey your will. Standard dictator proceedure.
Last edited by Turtlenecks; Jan 18, 2013 at 05:24 PM.
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
My initial gut instincts say yes, and as I'm typing this, I'm racking my brains as to any reasons against that.

There is no possible arguments against someone who thinks that the deregulation of all substances and objects is a good idea.
I see this argument is irrelevant simply because you are stricken with the I'm a rebel mind-state, penalizing people for disobeying the law is wrong now?. Do you even realize that you're saying that you are sacrificing the whole for the few? and allowing the government to allow a possibly harmful substance into the country. Therefore compromising the country's integrity for favoritism and choosing what you want over what is needed.

If i hated skittles so i had anyone caught eating then to be killed on sought then i would be a dictator, but what you are arguing is little more than a child throwing a fit at it's patents for telling them no sweets.

No matter what there's always going to be some sort of rebels saying that something is wrong, that's why America was founded we were once the rebels. Even now when we have created a place renown for the freedoms provided ours still not good enough is it? No someone always going to be some group that wants their cake and to eat it as well. You would think that people with be content living in a place that will take you in and provide for you, and keep you fed but if they take away your herb then they're tyrants .
Last edited by AzureMage; Jan 18, 2013 at 05:47 PM.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Helps, Anorexia, Glaucoma, Cancer (without taking hardcore drugs) Stress, Apparently slows down tumor growth, Treats Seizures, Migraines, multiple sclerosis, turrets and ocd, ADD and ADHD, IBS and Crohns, Says to prevent Alzheimer and helps premenstrual syndrome.

All of these are quite common.