4x Cobra P Grads - 2.6k each
Persian Torso - 3.5k
Shaman blood - 7.4k

Your ground text for 13k.
if you want to force acid 5k deal, going by the market.
Last edited by Hue; Mar 11, 2013 at 01:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Otávio Araújo
Verde não é uma cor criativa
Maya force
Maya dq
Hunter second grad
Vampire torso
Viridian dq
Ivory timer

All for 10k
[Gear] | [TMO] | ARA
Apply for Gear here!!!
Nah, thanks.
Also, gonna sale the whole deac, cheaper than buying items separate. Offer in tc and items(prefer tc anyway).