I see that you haven't rejected av1 maylene ...

you want him in the clan, dont you may.

Last edited by Appledosa; Jun 2, 2013 at 02:56 AM.
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Eh, restored alv's post, go ahead and read it.

Bluepoema has been rejected.
Jetti1118 has been rejected.

I hate when people delete posts.

hey guys.
Hey fellow dude's/girls My name is S4bre ( as you can see at my gamertag)
I'm 14 years old my real name is Robin, I live in the netherlands. My gmt is +2, My forum activity is around 7/10 ( due school), my in-game activity is also 7/10 (due school again). My skype name is travorrawr. I'm very nice to hang around with. But back to the reason why i wanted to join, My only reason is : i like this clan, just as arturix stated :
Originally Posted by Appledosa;
and being a brown belt and having only 10 posts isn't very impressive,

Originally Posted by Arturix3 View Post
Since when do we judge by these criteria?
however that makes us look not the way we are (not what I imagined us to be, anyways).

and what i mean with this is, the clan seems pretty nice and fun.

But anyways I hope i get accepted ,
peace -Robin

EDIT: i forgot to state that I'm blue belt
Last edited by S4bre; Jun 2, 2013 at 07:27 AM. Reason: forgot my belt.
Dubstep | Skrillex<3
Btw is the room up?
Last edited by S4bre; Jun 2, 2013 at 07:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Dubstep | Skrillex<3