Real Name: Andre Pavanello
Age: 16
Nationality: English
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.):
A little about yourself: I’m a dancer/tricker. I also free run/parkour and I also do extreme sports (skateboarding, skating, and sometimes snowboarding). And I love games. In toribash I’m still not that good at parkour but I’m better at tricking.
QI: 686
Best (Most liked) Mods: -yoyo-jumptothepool.tbm
How many days in week are you online: 4
People, who send you here: no one
People you know in the clan: no one
Previous Clans (Why left?): N.A
Previous Bans (Why?):
Why you want to join this clan: i want to join this clan because I enjoy parkour and I want to share my skill with other players and also I want to improve with the best.
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.)+proof: I’m good at art and drawing so if you need me to design anything I can do it.
Read the Rules and will follow them: yes I will follow the rules.
Skype name (May Raises chance of getting in): I forgot my password so I will be making a new Skype account when I have time.
5 replays attached:
Last edited by mardre123; Apr 6, 2014 at 06:48 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump