-Belt (Minimum Brown): Black
-Win Ratio: 59%
-Alts: MelancholySpoon (recently remembered my AirGoof password
-Why you want to join: I am currently looking for a mature casual clan full of competent and friendly players. I am also looking for a short clan-tag and (Beta) suits me just fine.
-Other clans you've been: I've been around a while and have been asked to join a few unofficial clans to help them out. None of which I can remember the name of specifically.
-Best mods: Aikido, Mushu, Acrojoust (I'm decent at most game-modes but a master at none)
-People you know in the clan: Nobody, but I'm a friendly guy and willing to socialize with everyone ingame and forum-side.
-Forum Activity (0-10): 6/10 and willing to become more active.