Originally Posted by
DesertPunk, it's a rare day that I feel like flaming the hell outta someone. You, sir are an idiot, and seem proud of it. You can't spell. You have the intelligence of a grain of sand, and you are totally in love with yourself because of it.
Before you make an argument, at least take some time to research it if you know absolutely nothing about it.
We went to Iraq, and started losing money instantly. We're still in Iraq, and still losing money. If we had gone to war for money, we would have stopped warring by now. What reason does the government have to lie about that? As a matter of fact, they tell us we're in debt because of it, and it's no secret. The government never lied about this. What proof is there that the government carried out 9/11 to go to war?? It's pure speculation.
Nobody said the government was perfect. That's you making even more of an ass of yourself.
9/11 and Iraq are completely unrelated. If you think differently, DesertPunk, then you sir, are even more of an idiot than I thought. And that's not an easy task.
So why, in a press conference, directly after 9/11 did Bush say this:
"Of course we're after Saddam Hussein-I mean uh uh Bin Laden. He's, he's....
I suggest you pull your head out and recognize one simple fact. War is profitable. Not to the government, but to the banks and the arms dealers and weapon manufacturors.
And it would seem that we DO keep tossing evidence at you, but it merely bounces off in the face of your total trust and dependency of authority figures.
Wow, the government told me that 9/11 was masterminded by Osama Bin Laden, doesn't that statement completely override the fact that there is NO evidence AT ALL that Osama Bin Laden was even remotely involved, besides the tape that was broadcast shortly after 9/11?
That the US government did not attempt to trace the source of the funding for 9/11 because it was considered "ultimately of little consequence."
There may a reason our oil prices are skyrocketing. Perhaps the Middle East is getting some payback for what is being done to them? The least they can get for the million or so civilians killed by American troops is some cold hard American cash.
HidingWarrior, you want to call Zeitgeist propaganda bullshit?
Watch any one of Bush's speeches from directly after 9/11. You'll hear the words "terror, evil, terrorist" repeated about 20 times per speech.
They drum it into your head, by repetition. Someone once said, and I can't remember who, that if you say something enough, and often enough, it quickly becomes accepted as fact. But this only applies to the media, because what we so-called 'consiparcy threorists' say is ignored.
You should ask yourself why we are taught to ignore conspiracy theories and denounce them as garbage.
How about you watch the last part of the movie, you fool. They're putting tracking chips in your new American Passports. Bet you didn't know that. Did you even hear of the North American Union? Sure, you can all say it's a load of shit theory, but you can watch the actual news report on it on Zeitgeist. Bush did this without the consent of Congress or the Senate. You should also remember that the right to protest at events in America has been taken away and that you can be jailed for it. Last I heard, that was what is known as free speech. WAS, being the operative word.
Take a long hard look at what is happening in your country and compare it to, of all things, V for Vendetta.
It may seem like a ridiculous comparison, but almost every act of your government matches up. Besides the fact that your home can be searched without a warrant, without you being home, you arrested and detained indefinitely without access to a lawer or a trial. All under the suspiscion that you might be a 'terrorist'.
God bless America and your "Patriot Act". Your country will need it.
(And I'm an athiest.)