Originally Posted by
Once again, people just randomly say its not a gate way drug, with nothing to back it up, you tell that to my like 6 friends who started to do E after they smoked weed.
weed makes you comfy with drugs, which allows you to try other drugs with out fear, also buying and smoking weed introduces you to kids who do that kind of stuff.
Kinda my point I raiser earlier.
Originally Posted by
People can go looking for "the next high" (cliché) and find a harder substance.
I'm not saying weed is a gateway drug, and I'm not saying it isn't. It depends on the person, their social circle and a whole load of other things.
I started on 'harder' drugs, and weed didn't appear in my life till way later - hell if I'd only been smoking that I wouldn't have screwed up at school so badly.
(I was a grade A student, but one with a bad drug problem. You can imagine how that ended.)
I'm not sure what it's like in other places, but over here in the UK it's all about availability & cost. A few years back it was common to see a bunch of kids with a lump of cheapo resin that they'd all pitched in to buy, but now it's a different story.
We've also go the rave culture over here, and smoking weed's not part of it, it's all Es and speed. That particular group of people are having it easy these days - the cost of an Es gone down from the £15 it was when I was a teenager to £2.50 - £3.00, and the same is true of MDMA, speed, acid, LSD - the list goes on... as do the raves!
The only drugs over here that cost the same as they did 10-15 years ago are coke & heroin.
The only drug that's had it's price raised is (all forms of) weed.
Everything else is literally priced for pocket money.
God bless the Queen & all that I guess... >.>