oh right, I also got overwatch. pretty fun but playing alone can be infuriating due to teams that cannot focus on objectives.
D.VA is the champ that I get the best k/d ratio with but I generally enjoy playing hanzo more, even though I can't aim for shit, for the ryuu ga wa go fuck yourself moments.
Ark: Survival Evolved, anyone?
There's nothing better than seducing someone to open their base, kill them and take a shit on their bed.
Also, dinosaurs.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Ark: Survival Evolved, anyone?
There's nothing better than seducing someone to open their base, kill them and take a shit on their bed.
Also, dinosaurs.

We (brother, 2 friends and me) play it on my server. But we got bored yet. The game really needs to be fixed.

Like Dinosaur behavior. You can either make them full apathic, so that you can tame, but they also die if a lil dino attacks them while their brain is in delirium... or you have struggle to control them while doin anything in dino world.
And why do you need to clear the whole woodland to build a simple house with simple stuff in it. Ressources are a joke (wasn't it about 25 stones for one simple mortar which is even smaller than one stone wtf)

Next to that, it's pretty funny
Basically, you need to play in a world where resource gathering is upped quite a bit.
I myself put it at around 5 or 6, the same with experience gain. The standards nights were a bit annoying to me, so I usually make the days twice as long.
Usually I increase taming speed a little bit, too.

What do you play it on?

I love the PvP aspect, messing with people is just so much fun.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
fucking hell, got 28 kills as genji, POTG, shitton of gold medals and still lost because lol ,,we're better off chasing tracers around than pushing the cart" team.
Polfaggots currently dealing with Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. I'm considering doing absolute 100% of it but it's really damn hard to achieve, so I don't know if my sanity will last long enough.

It's a great game, if tad hard and definitely frustrating, but I regret nothing. I sunk 30ish hours so far and more will come especially if I try the 100%, Thrandir did something like 25h so far, Powas is still starting out.

Have some screenshots:

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qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
since I'm in my flat for a bit and I have my PC here, I'm playing xenoverse 2 now
frankly, it could be a dlc to xenoverse one, the changes are only cosmetic but since I liked x1, I'm having fun anyway