View Poll Results: How do you find my heads?
43 Votes / 54.43%
They are really good.
26 Votes / 32.91%
They are... mhh average.
5 Votes / 6.33%
They aren't good.
1 Votes / 1.27%
They suck!
4 Votes / 5.06%
Voters: 79. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by production View Post
how to make a texture??

Here is the wrong to post this question.
Ask in the Support Forum, there you will find help.
Wow these are all top notch man, your sets are quality as well. Good work

Youshop | Art
haha damn you, taking all the business with your art skillz. You deserve it though. Il get there eventually, im learning fairly fast i says. Art ftw
Youshop | Art
You'll get, if you invest some time for it.
And if you do, you'll go your way. Good luck for your future works and the most important thing, have fun ,,working`` on textures^^