That's a great replay
Really enjoyed your moves, momentum, very smooth and skilled, very nice manip
One thing I didn't enjoy it is the ending, you probably could do some sick spin and make a good pose
Anyways, love this replay
both replays are fantastically smooth, but I feel that the self spar could've been made slightly better and more fluid, with both tori's working together to create an even smoother spar. I don't know if this helps, but check out this mp replay to understand what I mean. hopefully this helps you out!
the manipulation into madman is absolutely beautiful ( I could watch it all day), except the endings on both versions don't feel right. maybe end it with a vertical spin with a high velocity and spin into a pose?
Glimpsed Moderated Message:
Removed multiplayer replay
Last edited by Glimpsed; Dec 15, 2016 at 11:48 PM.