ok i have good news to the soldiers.
all of you can now be in the photo!
updated the first post with all of the remaining members names.
also edited iMOD3RN15 name since he will not be in anymore, due to what happened. all the names that are in bolded blue are the ones that will not be in anymore due to either leaving the clan, or not posting here.
at February 15 i'll edit the names of the ones that wont be in. BUT, soldiers will have till the 20th instead, cause they had less time to post since it wasnt my intention at the beggining.
start posting soldiers! and the rest of the missing guys aswell.
friday i think, i sent a pm to all the ones that havent replied to this thread and none of them answered yet. i'll pm the soldiers now to tell them that they can be in.
thats all i have to say for now. tomorrow i'll start making some poses.