Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
qq5ben, the items have to pay a maxiumum of HALF of your total payment.

so you have to pay 5kTC and 5k worth of items(YouShop price)

But dude,
Those items are worth more then 10k…
So ya.
And also
Can I have 1500qi cause the items I am giving are worth more like 40k…
The cheapest Pharos blood found on YOUshop was 90k…
You said you aren't accepting employees unless they are good enough?
Well, look at mine.

Hours played weekday: 4-8 (A day).
Hours played weekend: 12-16 (A day).
Belt: 3rd Dan.
Clan: YES (Leader)

Note: I am only active for a week at a time because I live at my mum's a week, then my dad's. At my mum's we just recently moved in and the internet is taking it's time to get up and running.
I am very active in one week so I could do a lot of work.
pah screw this >.<

If i get an item worth about 5k, i'll be back, but meanwhile all mine are either in the 10-15k area, lower than 3k, or in the 50k-200k range
And i won't pay 2 items.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
90k or 9k?

Ask couzo about that.

I will not be the one working for you...

You ask Couzo.