Name: TForge13
Belt:Blue Belt
Best Mod: TwinSword4
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition: I believe I could be helpful, and want to join the klan.
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: (making textures or avatars or something) I can make cool textures.
How active are you ingame and on the forums. I play for maybe 30mins to 1hr on toribash a day, and i maybe spend an hour a day on forums. Some days more.
Previous clans:Torikings (but they're pretty much dead now)
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans? I'm angry at the current clans. I'm looking through them, and they are either "invite only" or "black belt or higher" clans. This clan is awesome because they don't force me to make it up to black belt to get in.
Attached Files
TForge13_vs_welque000.rpl (32.3 KB, 5 views)
0_RunintoArmrip.rpl (35.5 KB, 6 views)
0_RunningInstaHead.rpl (38.4 KB, 6 views)
i wanna join im 2nddanblackbelt. i am a good player and i have sports-spirit

i make some texts i am opening a text shop soon the other clans suck they kick evereybody i wish this clan doesnt kick me.i was in AMG and Titans oly but i left in Titans but amg i just quit.i play 3-5 hours a day.2 hours in forums.i will always help whenever you need me. and will make discounts to the KO members if wanna buy from my shop.50%-75%.=) iam a happy person but sometimes REALLY!!!!!MAD!!!!

Merged these posts. Follow the instructions in the first post or you wont even be considered for joining. ~Gum
Last edited by Gum; Apr 15, 2009 at 10:15 PM.
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!
KO application
Name: Infiniti1 aka Zack
Belt: Black Belt
Best Mod: Judo
Why you should let me join KO: I am a sincere Toribash player who would like to join KO because all of the other clans do not seem very active and do not enforce strict rules like you guys.[KO]Gumfighter knows me.
Special Skills: Funding the clan with tc. I Bought items from [KO] Gumfighter. all together it was worth (25,000 to 100,000 tc).
How Active am I in game and forums: I am very active in game and i am on forums a lot but i do not post at all but to be in KO i will post more often.
Previous Clans: NEWB and Fr3styL
How do i feel about other clans: I feel they seem ok but because of how active they are results in a dead clan. But with KO i see exceedingly activity.
Replays: Best is twinsword ultimate annihlation. Others are: noob finale, arm snap, slicing and losing, pieces of bodies, and wrestling submission. I posted a lot of replays because some are not working.
Seems like a good application to me...

There are no posted replays, but I am testing infiniti1 right now.


Edit: Here are the replays from the tests.

These are only some of the games I have played with infiniti1, and I think that this player is very good.
Attached Files
infiniti1KOTest-1.rpl (19.1 KB, 9 views)
infiniti1KOTest-2.rpl (27.7 KB, 4 views)
infiniti1KOTest-3.rpl (27.5 KB, 3 views)
infiniti1KOTest-4.rpl (38.2 KB, 3 views)
infiniti1KOTest-5.rpl (32.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by kaboom17; Apr 16, 2009 at 12:25 AM.
Infiniti1 has a yes from me. He was always a good player and a good sport when I saw him ingame, plus he has a nice application as well.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Yeh i totally agree with gum.. Looks like a great player.
And a nice application
Proud Member of clan DIAF
Belt 2ndDan
Best Mod Sambo
why do you think you should join clan KO cuz im helpful i make textures and i can donate those texture money to the KO bank maybe everey year 250k.
special skillz:Making Texts and having money
hw am i active in game and forums: game 3-6 hours forums:2-5 hours
Previous clans:Titans (2nd Co Ldr), uTi
How Do i Feel About Other Clans: boring most of them r "Invite Only", force you to do stuff you dont like and dont make clan tourneys.
Replays: i dont save very often but i have some . best in sambo and zipline.
Thank You.....
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!
Originally Posted by Eirinn View Post
Name: Eirinn
Belt: Brown
Best Mod: Wushu, Judo and a bit of Sambo
Why should we let you join the Klan Opposition: I can make some good moves for Judo and Wushu
Any special skills that can be useful to the clan: Move making
How active are you ingame and on the forums: Ingame, alot, on the forums, not so much.
Previous clans: Eire, but I couldnt be bothered running it anymore
How do you feel about the current clans/ What do you think of the current clans: Not that interested in clans...
Never understood replays tbh...

Tested in judo, sambo, and aikido. Good player overall, gets a yes from me.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Infiniti1 get's a yes from me, although this made me sad:

Originally Posted by infiniti1 View Post
Why you should let me join KO: I am a sincere Toribash player who would like to join KO because all of the other clans do not seem very active and do not enforce strict rules like you guys.[KO]Gumfighter knows me.
Special Skills: Funding the clan with tc. I Bought items from [KO] Gumfighter. all together it was worth (25,000 to 100,000 tc).

What about me D:? You don't remember me when you got your 1,000 ToriCredit booster (a LONG time ago)? And then bought 20,000+ ToriCredits worth of items from me, helping me get my head texture? D: Makes me sad...

Anyways, welcome to clan opposition, infinity1.