Christmas Lottery
Applying to other clans is against the rules?

Nope, You are just autorejected due to this. Please don't post heare again, thx. Have a good night. ~Thrandir
Last edited by Thrandir; May 13, 2014 at 12:40 AM.
I wanna join inq.
can I join, I made my acct then saw your clan and I thought it was a perfect match. this is my first acct and I feel I can improve. special abilities: laugh fest, causes all enemies to die of laughter. if you feel like I am missing something go ahead and tell me I will try to fix it. and thanks in advance!
Age: 10
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans: [R]. Ded.
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): I dunno. I can't make vids, I suck at art, yeah.
Infraction History: Just go look.. ;~;
Something about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I'm 'murican. I was born in MO, and still live here in STL. I reaches 10 years 2 months ago. My b-day is May 30. My skype is fluttershy578 if you need to contact me.
My application is supported by: No one, really..
Replays: Post here at least 3 replays
Attached Files
#Ninja - Half.rpl (93.9 KB, 2 views)
#Ninja - Rampage.rpl (175.7 KB, 3 views)
#Ninja - Something.rpl (184.2 KB, 2 views)
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Wafflezes: lel real rejected.

Ninjakid57: sorry, also rejected. We don't know You, You didn't join our channel and in general Your app seems to lack everything our clan values (including actual effort which You clearly didn't put in it). You may try in the future (few months at least) if You put any effort in Your app and try to meet us in any way (IRC, in-game etc).
Age: 17
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans:
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): good at painting.
Infraction History: join in 2012-08-01
Something about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I from Poland. Want join because my predisposition to being a good player are very large. Unfortunately, I do not play too often but I will try to change it. Favourite mods Runkido, Spar and Ninjutsu. Practice ''Canoe Polo" I will have a trip to the competition in this Friday I'll be back on Monday.
My application is supported by: Windows XP 1,25 mb RAM, Graphics Card NVIDA gForce FX5200
Attached Files
anywayz3.rpl (143.9 KB, 3 views)
JK.rpl (242.6 KB, 3 views)
nieerules.rpl (201.4 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by niee; Jul 30, 2014 at 02:04 PM.
Originally Posted by niee View Post
Age: 17
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans:
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): good at painting.
Infraction History: join in 2012-08-01
Something about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): I from Poland. Want join because my predisposition to being a good player are very large. Unfortunately, I do not play too often but I will try to change it. Favourite mods Runkido, Spar and Ninjutsu. Practice ''Canoe Polo" I will have a trip to the competition in this Friday I'll be back on Monday.
My application is supported by: Windows XP 1,25 mb RAM, Graphics Card NVIDA gForce FX5200

It must be hard to play computer games with 1,25 MB of RAM :o

Well, I think that we don't know You well enough yet. Your replays are meh, nieerules one is decent but rest isn't, and application isn't impressive at all.

However, we are aware about Your potential and if You really want to join our clan please let us know You by playing with us and sitting at irc (#waffles and #polska) channels. Then, feel free to re-apply in a month or two, when we will be able to judge You (improving this application before would be appreciated tho- it is a bit short and seems to be generic placeholder).

Additionally, if You aren't sure about Your language skills there is 100% polish clan called ToP around, so You may try applying there if You prefer it over our multilingualism.
Age: 18
Belt/Qi (User Card):

Past Clans:
[iCoF],[xp],[Piratez],(Sacred) and a few other 2011-2012 clans i don't remember the name.
Special abilities (Art, Videos, Other): Sometimes i do Art (when i'm low on Tc),i don't really have a tablet and i'm not an artist,i only know to use Photoshop and Mudbox,i'd like to learn how to do Avatars and such but at the moment i'm busy and i keep putting it off. About the videos it's not my world,i never tried to make videos or replays related stuff,i usually like to play and that's all. Another creative thing i like to do it's forging flames or trying to realize things with the hair forger,but unfortunately i can't forge my own hairstyles or 3D items.
Infraction History: Well i can say i have a good amount of infractions on the market,i can say i've learned english playing Toribash so at the begin i got some problems understanding how the marked works and learning the rules,but now a days i don't have those kind of problems anymore,i market almost everyday usually ( those last weeks a little less becouse how i said i'm a little busy). About the game-related infractions they're really less... I remember my first infraction,given me from Mystery,it was for rigging decap,but at the end it was lifted by Tonakai, it was a misunderstanding. As well all the other infractions are lited or expired.
Something about yourself (From? why you want to join? favourite mods? etc): Well,i live in Italy but i was born in Romania 29/03/1996. We moved there when i was four,because of the low pay for the work that my parents had. Here in Italy i study informatics,to be precise,game and programs developing and various programming languages.
About the "why do you want to join the clan" thing... Before i was lookin between the clan forums to see what the clans were doing and when i saw corrupted waffles i started looking at some of the old 2010 applications to see who passed in the clan,who's in,who tryed to join etc. Than i saw the actually list of members and i thinkd that's the kind of clan i want to die in... I mean,everybody passed the old 2011-2012 times and saw how Toribash has changed,and of course there are a lot oldschoolers and really cool people i'd like to play and to war with.
About my in-game preferences i'll say i like all the kido mods,especially greykido and other anti-shovel mods,runkido too,i'd like to learn running like a boss too,but sparring isn't my speciality,i don't have that much patience to end i nice spar,i usually play to relax and spar gives me headache. My playstile it's play,dq or points,i have a pretty simple way to play. Obviously sometimes i like to play other mods too but for me nothing it's better than the old and nice AikidoBigDojo,wich i perform almost everyday.
So yeah,in a nutshell, Aikido,ABD and WushuFix it's what i like to play.
My application is supported by: Well nobody supported this application,it's an attemp that i felt to do.
Replays: I don't have any good replay that would be worth watch,if you want to see how i play just give me a PM and we can have some matches in any mod you prefer.

Also i'd like to say congrats,this is the #1000 post in the application thread since 2010,i don't know,maybe it will be a lucky post!