Nunu will still be alright imo. Bloodboil was always retarded before so now it's going to be a bit more balanced, is all. I'm much more upset about the shaco nerfs wtf is up with them ):
Thresh is just as bonkers as I expected him to be, be sure to reap the free victories before he is repeatedly bludgeoned into irrelevancy by the nerf hammer.
Only his deceive is getting nerfed. Morello posted and said the removal of his slow wasn't suppose to happen. Shaco is also reliant of doing things in the first 3-5mins of the game. If he fucks up, he's useless till he is 6 items. Which can't happen unless he snowballs.
I bought Riven yesterday. She is an amazing champion and is really strong, but I am pretty bad as her... Any tips?