Originally Posted by
Hi I really want to apply for your clan. Name:RavingPanda Belt: nearly blue Mods: Aikido Twin Swords Why : I would love to join your clan as i havent been in one before and i would love to offer you my loyalty and my hardest effort for the clan. I do not know why this would matter but im getting im getting 100k for my birthday and im willing to offer you or the clan 25k or something if you want.Im sorry about the replay part, i havent got any good ones but if you accept me ill try and make some. Age: 13
You are applying to our clan.
We've been offered "loyalty", "hardest efforts", and 50 virtues I don't care to list; most of which were not kept, what makes you special?
We don't take bribes; but while your at it (spending money), why don't you book the clan 5 mansions on the hidden island of Egywifeuwfoega (just North of the that one island with that one volcano; which of course is next to that other island with the grass and trees.
You still have to post replays.
*Mageer: It's your turn to correct the grammar mistakes of the applicants; I've already done the past few...
Mageer Moderated Message: |
Too much work. |
Last edited by mageer; Jun 16, 2013 at 12:39 AM.