I've relised rescently that toribash has been an obstacle ive been fighting for 3 years. Ive been addicted to it and its destractsing me from things that are very important to me. It's time for me to move on, the only thing that has been keeping me on toribash is 42 and thats because I <3 all of you and wouldnt want to let any of you down. Im therfore giving up my leadership but only to the clan member I feel is most fit to run this clan, even better than myself.
I recomend these people:
Patriotz- failed the test
Deagle1130- failed the test
If any of the listed above want to sign up for leader than post why you think that your leadership will prevail and be able to lead 42 to become a succesful and respected clan. If you arent active and dont plan to be, I don't reccomend posting here just to leave toribash like me and Dika are doing. Even if you arent on the list you can apply aswell.
I'm not judging people by how much I like them I'm judgeing you by how much potential I see in you. I will check back on this thread in exactly one week and descide who will be our next leader. From than on I will make minor changes to our clan board as promised, but from than on you will have to descide what to do and how you will be managing our board. I will never visit the toribash website or play toribash ever again. But you will be able to keep in touch with me through facebook (search Dillon J. Grabel) or you can email me at
[email protected].
P.S- If you don't think that there shouldnt be a leader for our clan and just moderators than post why you think it will be more effective than having just one leader. You guys can manage pretty well on your own.
I have hope in all of my members and I always have- Dills
Last edited by dillon207; Nov 25, 2009 at 09:10 PM.