Originally Posted by ZeTo View Post
Yeah pal, hot and sexy are two different things.

oops my bad

Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
Fenris has achieved... "The One And Only"


How's it hangin peeps? I'm heading to work this weekend, starting today.
Watching kids, woohoo... Really good pay though.

grats fenris, and grats for the gm artist position!
sounds like a good pay

Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
I'm a side-member of family too s0.

which side?
wow you got the 1000th post hax
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
Fenris has achieved... "The One And Only"

Woah, good job fenris. That must've took a lot of time.
Didn't even go for it, just got it haha. But thanks!!

I don'y get payed for being a Gm Artist, it's a volunteer job as far as I know.
Can host art events though, which I find quite cool.
Oh, excuse me. I'm tired and didn't read properly.

It's very good pay actually, I get around... 583$ a day.

and head

[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
It's very good pay actually, I get around... 583$ a day.

wow, that's alot.

also congrats on the art gm thing, how does that work?
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
583$ a day.

wow, that's a ridiculously large amount of money.
You're like god x 6 +9573
I get about 25 cents each day, from finding quarters.
Thanks guys! <3

Tox: You hang around the gm IRC a lot, and whenever a request is made within the headquarters one of the Artists volunteer to make the piece(s).
Also, the artists are much more "integrated" now, we can suggest events or host ourselves. Art events that is.