looks like everyone noticed the birthday
anyone wanna hear the old story and the making of the bomb squad?
i got it in my head!
just tell me if you want
tell me !
Ok so this is the story of That clan (the bomb squad).It was made by two players called Sledgren and Mrunicorn , they were the founders of the clan . and yea , they made the clan from 14 august or 10 august i dont fuckin remember . anyways this clan was the best of the best , it was like Vq (vanquish) but it was a bomb in the old days . this clan was getting higher ranks in no time like seriously . and they were strict in the rules and that 10 words per post rule it was fucking strict . and yea the clan was dying a lot , well not really but the small dies were 2 only but the big sudden death was so big! . the reason of that death is that sled left the clan because he found no hope into making it official because he applied 2 times for official and it didnt work and so the co leader and other members left to because they are unloyal as fuck and it died . but , lotramus our great leader and dionysis (krulls) tried to revive bomb again and it worked A-ok . and yea we are celebrating the 1st year of bomb . HAPPY B-DAY BOMB! . and dont forget to say #Bomb's Away!