big boss no to you

and fisty you are kindly not sigma material so i say no to you now.
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Alright, Gumfighter fixed that grammar, so I'll keep out for that. Now, to my vote. I vote no to all current applicants of the following reasons:

Some are just downright annoying.
Some are good, but I don't feel they have the schwung to enter Sigma.
And finally, Sigma is already crowded with great people.
Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
I'm sorry. I disapprove to all applicants of which i haven't stated yet.
I especially don't like Goldenfist for this reason

I'm not hatin' man, just that really made me feel no.
Please Gold: Keep it to yourself.
I have kept my stories : 3

u just jellows cose u are vergin stickacide o and i use mirc too

it wasen't to say on sigma i was talking to frost dragon i acedently put it there. sorry about gramar i just woke up
Goldenfist: hey surf wanna do an omg fight
(sigma)surf: Omg tottaly
no if he was jealous he'd be like "oh please tell me how sex was i would like to know" but honestly i wouldn't ask how sex was from a 14 year old kid who thinks sex is flopping up and down on a pillow case filled with shaving cream

gtfo goldenfist
Last edited by Organ; Sep 3, 2009 at 08:24 PM.
You don't say?
thanks anyways guys. doesnt look like i got in your clan but thats all right....
i would of liked to but...all well....I tried!

See yah