I'm tired of devil making fun of other players, let's make fun of him.
Does runes and masteries really make you a bad player? They don't really make significant changes to the game. Just some small bonuses. It's not the best choice of runes and masteries but if it works for him it's kay.
I'm actually grateful that he plays against bots. Many people should do it too. They won't screw up games like others do and make good players on a lossing streak. In ranked there are people who go support for the 1st time. Wrong masteries no wards, creep steals, etc. Or they are just retarded who get outplayed every game and never contribute to the team.
Also he probably plays the game only for fun. If he would like to get better he would do that and sort his problems out why he is so bad at the game. If he doesn't try to improve he never will.