for the starters I don't like your avie. Checking your replays and posts nao.
-"ve been here for about 10 months. made about 65 posts.
-naming replay "suck this!!!!" damn you must be one of those "dumb dissers", who try to insult everybody just cause you won, without any carefully thought disses, but with fully dimwitted words such as "suck this", "(bleep) you" etc.
-your tori profile - every information about you - instead of at least being left blank is changed "(bleep) you"
- week ago you joined evil. 2 weeks ago - applied for TTF. now - here. dude gtfo.
(note: all the clans were butt-kissed at the point of applying for them)
- small idiotic posts. "lol" as your whole post?! please. grow yourself some brains... ;|
-over emoting in posts. posts consisted only of emotes. again - grow those (bleep)ing brains, would you?
-invading other clan's forums.
-ah you applied for hunters 2 weeks ago as well.
- you're done here.
- you're not "evil". You're just a straight jackass. please proceed to the exit, as arrows indicate. if you at least are able to do that.
- this guy tries to look like an idiot. acts like an idiot. but please, let that not fool you - he really is an idiot. Good bye.
Sahammer: 1, randomjackass: 0
[that's how your dises should look like. amateur;)]
he just got my black belt
and now i heard it was moved to 2nd dan black belt
ill just apply in the near future and we'll see.
youll hear from me soon k bai
whoever told you this, he was wrong. it's not about belts, but who you are, how do you behave and how do you play...
I think you don't qualify for the time needed to belt up from brown to black. or blue from black? nevermind, but dude few months are waaaay too much. We need somebodys who play more, so really, if you don't want to change anything then you have no chances of getting in.