BFG is gone for 2-3 months, he just pulled the plug there's no way to contact him, and for the recruit idea, in all seriousness, how do you think would you invite someone with both leader and co-leader being inactive.
I just don't know, i wouldn't feel really well with lots of new strangers around me, i just feel like this clan got depleted and if there will be a whole new set of members keeping this clan alive will make no sense, it would have nothing to do with our clan like it used to be, only the shell would be remaining, flushed out and it's insides replaced. l:

Originally Posted by fluxpony View Post
you can invite, can't you?

do you have no hope?

I'm rank 6 ._.
That part with no hope sounded a bit too dramatic, I'm just saying what i think, if we get a buttload of new members coming in this clan won't be that small circle of good friends anymore...

We don't want to run it.
We don't want it to die. We wouldn't all be bros if it weren't for this clan.
We made it into what it is.
We we we we we