Alright Hello there Electric!!!Please keep in mind you can tell me if I left anything out or anything like that.
So you can call me Hate if you want to know my real name PM me. Anyways I am here to apply to [e] because I actually like what this clan has done and what it did to stay active threw out all this years . So anyways my GMT is -5 and I have been playing toribash for the fourth year now. I Left toribash long ago and I came back about 4 or 5 months ago. Since many of my friends started playing it and told me to play it also. A little about me is that I am 15 years old I love to write now and then like quotes or words that are powerful. I also draw now and then and play all kid of sports like Baksetball,Soccer, even Tennis. What I do outside of toribash now if play chess online or play checkers since I like all games like that. I don't have many infraction history's maybe 6 for posting things that are off-topic or things like that.
My Clan history I don't remember so good so maybe I have to look into that but I do remember being in atleast 3 clans before I went dead. Now that im back in toribash I want to be Active most of the time like 8/10 and same for my ingame activity.
The reason I choose this clan to join is because this clan is one of the clans that's been around and that had great ingame players and really active forum people. And a big influence that made me apply for [e] is the way that everyone get along and are all friends. I don't think I can bring things to this clan that other members might have already gave to this clan .But I can bring my Activity both forum and ingame and maybe I could help with Wars or Recruitment since I am used to that sort of stuff.
But that my application hope you consider me being part of this clan