View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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Well, how about just us and Rachet for now?
Then when we think others are ready, we can tell them the password.
I'll be on in a few hours.
Going to a massive market thingy tomorrow with a shitload of money, so I'll be buying stuff.
Our family won $100000 yesterday
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post

2. Go to lowbelt rooms where there should be less people in a clan and you build it up from them, it's how all of the first clans would work. They feel that they are appreciated because a 10th dan recruited them.

1. I can't, im at phone and my parents got my modem

2. How they knew we have high belt, besides we need people that active on forum, not just ingame.
Still, this might work though...
Well, i personally prefer forum active people to ingame active people, because there's actually a chance to get to know them.
Sicks, sexy, nev, Billy and Andy are all very forum active, so i actually feel like i know them a bit.

Ingame activity is still a plus, though.
I'm going to choose a few people and keep my eye on them, see if they're Delta material.