Soooooooooooooooooooooooo...just had a base race. Our Thresh dc'd and it was 4v5 and the enemy team had baron. Their inhib was about to respawn, I was playing Rengar. I think to myself there is no chance we are going to win this so I'm just gonna be a dick and push mid lane (our bot lane was also pushing). I get to their inhib the moment it respawns and start attacking it while the enemy team engages at top 5v3 under tower.
The moment the enemy's mid inhib goes down I head down to bot tower and kill with the huge minion wave that's next to it, the inhib falls just as quick. I approach the Nexus turrets as my team somehow gets a kill in the 5v3 slaughter. Both Nexus towers go down as the enemy start hitting our Nexus towers. THEN, Thresh reconnects and go heroes mode and 1v5's the enemy team...too bad he's the support. He dies instantly and its me vs the world as I start beating down the enemy Nexus.
70% hp...
-my heartbeat increases-
50% hp...
-is this really happening-
30% hp...
-am I going to single handely win the game?-
20% hp...
> screen zooms all the way to my nexus and I watch it blow up.
I suck.
Last edited by j4nd0; Feb 10, 2013 at 06:59 AM.