Jayce's top really isn't that good. He's a much better mid in S3. He's basically like kha or talon mid. Rush brutalizer into black cleaver, situational boots, and maybe a tear into muramana late game. BT is always good aswell.
Elise is just a standard AP bruiser top lane. Rush a Liandry's, and either get a Rylai's or Warmogs, or both. (situational). Maybe a RoA late game. In lane, just poke in human form. Since your Q does more damage the more health they have, you want to keep poking with it. If you happen to get them below 50%, q > w > stun in human > switch to spider > w > q for the last blow, since it does more damage the lower health they are (hopefully). If you haven't gotten the kill, just rappel or something and return to farming. Also, don't waste mana on creeps early. She's pretty mana reliant and if you waste all of the mana on creeps, you're gonna get bullied out of lane and lose farm.