I am applying to be accepted into the juniors academy.

Your name*: torzilla. Changing it to jiggs

Age (must be over 13. No lying, we will find out)*: 15

Belt (2nd Dan Black Belt +) *: Only brown belt!


Posts (must be over 350)*: only 114

How many hours a day you play: maybe an average of 1 hour of gameplay and 3 hours forum

Past Clans: none

Best Mod*:aikido

Ban/infraction history*: nothing

Anything you can contribute to the clan (art, textures, fighting, items, tc, etc. If textures, please post examples)*: Great at aikido, good at kickboxing, okay at art/textures, got tc!

Active ingame/forums/IRC*: Ingame active, starting to be more forum active.

Why do you want do Join?*: Omega looks fun. With all the art and I think you guys match my personality better.

User Card:
I got to be honest, i loved that app.
I donŽt think youŽll have any problems getting into the Academy.
Last edited by fcpavao; Feb 5, 2010 at 05:29 PM.
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
Yeah i don't think you'll have any problems getting into the academy... But I don't know if your gonna have any passing it! BUAHAHAHA!!
Okay Torzilla, looks like both me n FC like your app so you are here by accepted into the Juniors Academy. Get to it cadet!
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
great, grats man n welcome !
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Wait just a sec....Great at Akido? Great at kickboxing? I dont think so...
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?