Current QI (2000 qi. minimum): 2159
Previous clans (and why you left): [Decap] : Nothing was happening in it. No one was very active. Decided to leave because I thought an oldschool clan (SyN) was going to be revived, which didn't happen.
Favourite/best mod (TK, Wushu, Aikido, etc.): Kickbox / Judo
Age: 17
GMT: -4:00
Previous infractions (be honest): Bumped an auction incorrectly, infracted because the bump had nothing to do with the auction (counting down the time.)
Anything else you think is worth mentioning? I can sometimes be a "hard ass" towards people I really am not particularly fond of. But other than that I am normally pretty fun and talkative in-game. I am somewhat active on the forums, mostly in the art sections. As that being said, I am a texture designer and I normally give clan members discounts (50%) on all my textures if you happen to be int interested in them. I have known DecapW for a while as well, if you got questions bout me, he can help ya.
Replays are below, also if you need to test me I am ready whenever, I have a busy schedule so if we need to discuss a time, that can be arranged.