Current TC Amount: 300+ because i buy vampire force
Past Clans:[bleu] i'm a co-leader there
Clan References (eVo members and Single Allies only... if no one put "none"): none
Modes your good at: aikido aikido big dojo
Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..): art i think
GMT:8+ i'm from philippines
About yourself: I'm 12 year old i'm from philippines i'm first year high school i am valedictorian when i was a elementary and i always want to join this clan when i was a white belt and i do a hard working then i met brown belt and i think that i can join this clan at that belt
Why you want to join [eVo]:i want to join this clan because i know the member of this clan is good as well as the bleu and being part of [evo] will be the happiest part of my life in toribash
What do you think you can bring to eVo to better it?: good fighter that i can win in higher belt such as 6th dan to 8th dan because bleu teach me how to be a good player to join this clan, they help me to join this clan.