Originally Posted by Kamura View Post
I see.
Anyway, today was pretty boring for me. How about you guys?

My day was boring too.
I ended up playing soccer because I was forced too.
I don't even know how. :C
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Soccer can be quite painful at first, but glorious once you get the hang of it. Sports are worst means of entertainment in my country. Never had a soccer match without a fight at end because there is always a guy who doesn't accept our goal.
I know
I'm starting to like it.
But I will never forget Table-Tennis.
It was my favorite sport.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Kamura, my headset decided to break, it's wires have been exposed for ages and today the wire fully came out, can't talk :/
Dw, I didn't actually want to talk to you anyway.
I was just curious if I could join your party without confirmation.
Turns out I could.
I also noticed that you play CoD:BO 90% of your time playing xbox.
Frost is pretty cool
Exams are starting on Monday so I won't post for 5 days.

And I got entered into this essay competition at school.
The whole school writes an essay then they are judged and the best are picked.
I have to re-write my whole essay and make sure I make it neat or it will be rejected.
Prizes: A few books, an award and MONEY.

So I have only Saturday and Sunday to post.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Football is amazing. <3
Table Tennis is better. I'm actually quite good at it.

And can you guys post your XBL GTs? I lost them and I'm too lazy to go find 'em.
the winter's chill grips the air once again. the sun seems dimmer than before
the [Frost] has returned
What's this?
Star has too many damn posts.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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