Christmas Lottery
Lol even my clan got rejected at the first try like other clans does, it isn't that easy to get the officialism dude, you've to know that, loyality and activity is the key of it
i had a clan which after a month got official like that but then died since we couldnt sustain its need.
Hey guys
Click pless

[EVENTO] War Clan

[Neon] New Times
Originally Posted by Thasainz View Post
Its pathetic... kagami posting it in all threads... you really wanting ban?

/off topic
I am not posting at all.
Only I am inviting us to the event.
We already have some clans in order to fight
[Neon] New Times
WOW, I don't check the thread for ONE DAY and is shoots all the way from 99 pages up to 103 pages... Most of what I read on those pages was spam and I must say... I'm very disapointed in you guys... You didn't let me spam with you =(

But anyways. At least SpriteZ posted which is good.
Also, if we become official I will become able to moderate your messages which means if you're posting stupid stuff i'm going to moderate it.

And Kagami, if you wanted to make others aware of the Neon event it would have been smarter to send PM's to the clan leaders or to make a single thread stating that it was going to happen... Because now, you've posted the exact same thing on many threads and it's considered spam to do that. I would honestly be surprised if you don't at least get an infraction.
Unknownid didn't like my last signature...
Also, i'm a Bowie-ite
not gunna lie i kinda dont like whats been happening with the thread

ppl outside the clan tell us to have real clan topics is good i guess then goes like 10 pages of just spam that accomplishes nothing
We didn't have much spam until Lewis started posting here having conversations with Abdydude. So i'm gonna have to ask you two to keep conversations like that to PM or some other non spam way of talking like ingame or by using the IRC.
Unknownid didn't like my last signature...
Also, i'm a Bowie-ite
also cameron if u do become official only one person can moderate which is probably gunna be nemoooo.