Hey mans thanks for the receptivity
I'm from Brazil and yes gerkkou I will enjoy it
Hey I'd like to ask some questions:
how does the member activity check works?
Why isn't this clan in the nabi tourney '09? We should be in!
There's nice players here...
Why don't we look for rivals?
Let's move!
I will do the possible to make this clan grow up...
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DavidFee it's a great Idea look for allies, sorry for say to look for rivals
I'm new in this clan and I have a lot of things to learn...
but, What can I do for this clan, how can I help?
(g2g bye-bye)
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Last edited by yannsbeck; Mar 31, 2009 at 02:38 AM.
Reason: I've posted twice in a small space of time