3700 is hardly average.
"average" is a relative term.
the initial stats had 2700 being the average. havent looked into what they are now, but i dont believe the average global skill of users could increase that dramitically.
the average dota player that isnt just a casual scub, should be around 3200.
last i checked, 3200 was in the normal bracket.
high was something like 3200-3700
and very high was 3700+
dotabuff ranking isnt reliable though, "very high" is a percentage breakdown of global MMR that just marks you in the top 10%, its not a fixxed point, theres no fixed rating, its just the ranking that it is atm.
how many players has dota had this month? coming up on 10 million now?
thats a million dota players above 3700MMR
the skill gap between 3700 and 4000 MMR is pretty severe, so the number above 4000 would be about 20% of that million.
Last edited by BenDover; Sep 20, 2014 at 09:15 PM.