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So that's what kaka said. Wow that grammar sucks dick. Also kaka, I do not think that's depression. I am pretty sure that's just you being unhappy with something/someone. Depression doesn't just happen.
I get faster angry now , I don't let people do what they want . I am now like my dad , when he gets angry he will smash everything he see . But he's not fast angry hehe .
Also today the longest guy from my class slased again to my neck , i had to keep calm today.Also next week friday i have sportday , and my master said to give an teqt next week friday or the day before , and i said : But master , friday it's sportday .
And so the anoying blondy was mad again cause i said that . And an another friend of my class says he has his "home made drugs" , he showed to me ,But i don't believe him. Then today that 1 girl in my class got "famous" cause 3 guy's and 2 guy's from my class was playing with her like poking and touching her legs . Well guy's , i hate my school now , I wanna be in a school where there ar different teenaage culture's , like emo,metalheads,rappers,etc... But in my school they ar same , they all listing to music they see on tv . Arghh , school is horrible . My whole class ar faggots.
But for sure i am so happy to be home again , playing on my guitar , listing music , playing on tb .