@Sa1uk: PUHLEEZ my first 4 days of work were
Coworker: mary just died!
Me: who?
Coworker: one of the oldies
Me: uhhh..okay
Coworker: yeah they die in sets of three. wanna bet on whos next?
Me: sure!
I work at a retirement home as a waiter.
So yeah, right now i'm totally addicted to Borderlands. It mixes FPS and RPG very well, and the kazillion different guns certainly do their part, too. Never know what you'll find when opening up a treasure chest.
Also, blowing someones head off with a shotgun just never gets old. Especially when that someone is a burning psycho bandit armed with an axe-like weapon, who's charging towards you with murderous intents.
Worth the 50 euros for me.