I want to join heres my info:
Belt:Blue Belt
Best Mods:Aikido,Twinswords,Judo,Aikido big and Small dojo, and lastly Wushu
Why I Want To Join: Because one of your members [pickaxecut] told me to come here and I like Coke Zero
Infractions: Clean State
P.S. Please let me join your clan.:Bana ne01::bananap artyhat::B anane21::B anane19: urplebananna::Banane 40::Banane 39:
lol i remember this.....good memories~ken07
Hi GuYs
I Lik Clansd LIKE this 1..
I want Join. I 7 years yung.
I was rank 13000 in akido 1ce
Pls let me in.
Favourite Mods:Twin Swords, Akido
Why I want to join: I am looking for a clan and this one seemed cool and I would like to help maybe moderating it if not member works
Infractions: Never been banned or anything bad only kicked because it was a private lobby once
You have pretty eyes no homo
I'd fuck the shit out of you
Oooh, internet safety. I like you. More specifically, I like your parents, who ever they are.