Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Sparkly View Post
Love the detail, can't wait to see the final product.

Hundred damn percent agreeance.
Oooo that looks nice. But one thing, whats the little black spot near the bottom of the mid section?
It's a hook thing/clamp. The model is of a carrier drone. The midsection is a bit hollow so that it can carry supplies and such. I'll make another render of the bottom.
Thanks for all the comments ^^
Horn? There isn't a horn on this model. Do you mean the stinger?

Here's the bottom view:

Last edited by Gryphon; May 29, 2011 at 07:15 PM.
nevermind, i compared the 2 versions. and the second one has a black thing on it's head. thought that that was a horn
Woah that looks sexy. The ridge looking thing on the second black stripe at the end looks weird though
Ridge? So you see it in the front view or side view?
Oh, and it's a robot bee. The green thing is a capsule that these things carry. They're full of supplies such as food, fuel, water, etc.