-Real Name: Kyou o3o
-Age: 14
-Date of Birth: 10/17/97
-GMT: -5
-Sex: Oh, baby.
-What chat network do you use (optional): MSN
-Make a userbar on : :
-Are you IRC active: I can be, but not currently.
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected): Got an invite icoon. Told me to apply, and I would "instantly" be accepted. I guess you could say I'm bored of this game without a clan, so it'd be nice to get back into that stuff.
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected)
Because he SAID so >:((((((
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

-Real Name:Kamilo
-Date of Birth:1993,7 of dec
-What chat network do you use (optional):IRC n MSN
-Make a userbar on : :
-Are you IRC active:yep.
-Why you want to join (30+ words or else neglected)Well. ico0n invited me,i like this clan members are good also its organised,my friend d3monz its an ex member of this clan and he says me that is good,its has a good rank and i think this clan go with me
-Why should we accept you(30+ words or else neglected)ico0n invited me,im skilled,i can help with art,with do a clan vid,donations,recruitmen and im a nice guy too.
I say yes to foxy cause he one of my old clan members too and he's pro
Also foxy when I get a force and lax and textures u should totally make me a avatar
Last edited by koolwhip; Oct 22, 2011 at 08:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Wow, foxy left Psy?

I see that this clan is getting a lot of people I know. Looks like this clan might just make it all the way, and I hope it does. You guys deserve it and it would be great to see that it does.

Also, how come I havn't been upgraded to super smexy allie yet?
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Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
You also have my yes.
lest just wait for another member to reply
Do you really think you're in control