Belt:2nd dan
Country and timezone:-5
How active are you in-game (1-10):10
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?:Ember:the clan died:NYAA:Lefted to join TGS:TGS:kicked for extra room:Haunted kicked for forum inactivate:Badco:left to join Haunted.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.):im 11 :/
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s):Akido abd boxmushu and greykido
What do you want to contribute to the clan?:IM a good replay maker
Any bans/infractions?:infrac for useless thread
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?:Noone suggested me I just think this clan might be the one for me
Anything you'd like to add?:IM very Athletic, and my grandma was 1 of the fastest people to leave jamacia cool right?
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay:Attachment 517144
Attachment 517145
Belt:2nd dan
Country and timezone:-5
How active are you in-game (1-10):10
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?:Ember:the clan died:NYAA:Lefted to join TGS:TGS:kicked for extra room:Haunted kicked for forum inactivate:Badco:left to join Haunted.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.):im 11 :/
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s):Akido abd boxmushu and greykido
What do you want to contribute to the clan?:IM a good replay maker
Any bans/infractions?:infrac for useless thread
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?:Noone suggested me I just think this clan might be the one for me
Anything you'd like to add?:IM very Athletic, and my grandma was 1 of the fastest people to leave jamacia cool right?
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay:Attachment 517144
Attachment 517145
Name: My real name is Erik.
Age: I am eleven years old, but I am mature
Belt: I am 9th dan black belt, almost 10th.
Country and timezone: I'm currently in Latvia for the holidays, but after the holidays ill go to my main country which is Ireland. My GMT currently is +2 but in 2 months itll be +0
How active are you in-game (1-10): I would say that im a solid 9.
Any clans you joined before us? If so, what were they, and why did you leave?: I was in crooks,IF,angels and vibe. I left crooks because of the inactivity. I created IF, but i left because my computer broke down, and when i got a new computer, all my friends we're inactive. Same reason with angels. And i left vibe because some of the members didnt like me there and i didnt want them to leave because of me, so i had to leave.
Contact information (Skype, Facebook, etc.): If i get accepted, into this clan then i will post that all.
Best mod(s), Favourite mod(s): I'm good in the aikido family, but mainly ABD. But in aikido im 60 mod rank.
What do you want to contribute to the clan?:I can give more and more forum activity, plus good skills and sportsmanship in-game.
Any bans/infractions?: Only a month ban and one requested ban for a day and some useless posts. But im not gonna do anymore useless posts, now that i know about what they we're.
Why did you chose Ascend? anybody suggest you here?: I chose ascend because i want to ascend above all the players, and while doing that have support from friends. Like all people. No one suggested me here, but ive had my eyes on this clan, mainly because i see rhaemond is really active in forums.
Anything you'd like to add?: Well, im just here for fun, but if needed i can be really competitive. Other that toribash, my hobbies are playing soccer with my friends and hockey. Because i liak dm goalz. Im really humorous, and creative. I have a huge story i'm writing, i will share it but in a spoilersorry for this story, if you read it. . Anyway, my favorite animal is a doge- dog i mean. It was my birthday a few days ago at the 15th of june. I'm into replay making, i'm more of the madman person. I have other games such as minecraft,LoL but i dont play it. And i also have Pivot animator. Because i like to copy toribash moves,
Post at least 1 single-player and 1 multi-player replay: Ummm, i wont have any abd replays because i just downloaded 4.95 but i have 4 single player replays.
I hope you accept me , ~cheers
+ if i missed something pm me