I disagree. It is actually a good item for Jayce. It is like having a blue buff and you can spam spells freely. Also Muramana's active is usefull for him. Many pro players in competetive games use this item. You can do a research on it. When muramana came out I noticed Dyrus using it, so I tested it out. It stacks really quickly on Jayce as you can spam spells as you have some extra mana. If you are going full tank then replace it with a defensive item. It's just my opinion though. Test that item out.
This guy might be retarded. They nerfed the heal. Yes he can do a bit of burst no he isn't hard to take care of.
AP Yi still strong
Didn't say it wasnt a good item on him, just that a good jayce player wont need it and can take a better item quicker that focuses on damage (BT/Brutalizer) rather than focus on mana. Also muramana's passive is good, but as a jayce most of your damage will be from spells and not autoattacks (you're an AD caster). Finally, most Jayces go mid by now so you get blue buff anyway. I only play Jayce in the mid lane.
Pretty much the only reason to get Tear on high damage AD mids is to poke.
Its why its good on Jayce and Kha'zix, enables you to poke and still have mana for when the fight starts, but not mandatory.
You guys are not comprehending what I am saying. First off, we're discussing Jayce here. Not kha'zix.
I've tried to explain like 5 times but it's fine. Keep building your tear even though you really dont need it on jayce.
Didn't say it wasnt a good item on him, just that a good jayce player wont need it and can take a better item quicker that focuses on damage (BT/Brutalizer) rather than focus on mana. Also muramana's passive is good, but as a jayce most of your damage will be from spells and not autoattacks (you're an AD caster). Finally, most Jayces go mid by now so you get blue buff anyway. I only play Jayce in the mid lane.