that's actually pretty good. wasn't expecting to like it that much. 8/10
Mosier: tl;dr gay clothing thoughts
Those beats on the beggining and ending takes out the glamour of the song, but it's good on overall 9/10

Ihsahn - On the Shores
This song on 320 kbps mp3 or flac blow minds.
Shame there isn't a 320 kbps mp3 video on youtube, just shitty quality =/
Last edited by Carnage; Apr 30, 2012 at 03:47 PM.
I used to listen to Rob zombie back in his white zombie days but I'm just not feeling this remix. I pushed aside the grillex / skrillex jokes but it still left me disappointed. maybe this this one is just not for me. 2/10

"Patience means bearing the unbearable" Tomo VII - The Bushido code
That was fucking brilliant, and something I was looking for.

I fucking love instrumental music like that. 10/10

This was pretty sick.

That sadly wasnt to my taste at all.
2/10, but thats only because i dont like dubstep.

Not quite so dark second cousins of Electric Wizard.
Acid King is pretty great, sorta played them out for myself however.

Still worth a good 8-9/10

oh yeah
I liked a lot the final minutes, when it gets more frenetic and crazy.
The beginning was a bit standart, but my mind got far there too.


Talking about avant-garde.

Last edited by Carnage; May 3, 2012 at 02:11 AM.