Good we just talk here alot lol and i was told that me Ninja Head and shev waiting for an inv
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Who said I was waiting for an invite. I'm just goin with whatever they tell
Me. I haven't web told that though Kyle.
Oh we'll Torio said I am waiting for an invite and I forgot but he said I was waiting for an invite aswell so idk about u :/
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Originally Posted by NinjaKyle View Post
Good we just talk here alot lol and i was told that me Ninja Head and shev waiting for an inv

welp thats nice....... i guess
Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post
Raaage is back!

Alas, I am not, I'm moving around etc, got shitty internet and whatnot.

Originally Posted by NinjaKyle View Post
Good we just talk here alot lol and i was told that me Ninja Head and shev waiting for an inv

something about this post makes me hate you :l
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Alas, I am not, I'm moving around etc, got shitty internet and whatnot.

something about this post makes me hate you :l

Well raaage I'm Srry tht u hate me but u just gotta move on and look at the positives in life bro
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Aw, fix it soon eh, rage. Also, NinjaKyle, I think you best stop with the 'I'm waiting for an invite, etc'.

Obvious reasons:
1. It's annoying
2. eVo isn't your average clan, if everyone just requested to get it, wouldn't we all be in by now?
3. Tripstone decides who gets in and who doesn't, not by the amount of cites you get. Shev would have been in by now if it did work that way.

Just stop it.
Preach iawesome preach. Also my
Parents keep ducking taking my laptop at night. So at te lat hours o the night I won't be able to be on.
Ok iawesome but werent u the one who said u and shev were waiting for a inv...
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay Cool
Originally Posted by iAwesome View Post
Aw, fix it soon eh, rage. Also, NinjaKyle, I think you best stop with the 'I'm waiting for an invite, etc'.

Obvious reasons:
1. It's annoying
2. eVo isn't your average clan, if everyone just requested to get it, wouldn't we all be in by now?
3. Tripstone decides who gets in and who doesn't, not by the amount of cites you get. Shev would have been in by now if it did work that way.

Just stop it.

You took these words from my mouth. +1

Originally Posted by NinjaKyle View Post
Ok iawesome but werent u the one who said u and shev were waiting for a inv...

Just stop with this discussion man, believe, we know who is waiting to get invited, you waited until here, what's the problem to wait a little bit more? This discussion ends here. Oh and why don't you try to convince raaage that you're a nice guy? Like you convinced me.
Never inactive, just slow sometimes.
bulldoboy 4 life <3