I was playing tristana before she was cool, always thought she was really strong. Now since the botrk was introduced everyone wants a piece of her yordle ass. I GOT THERE FIRST YOU SAVAGES. :<
My current favourite adc at the moment is sivir, she feels really strong throughout the game. If you're playing aggressively, her level 2 burst is just brutal, especially when paired with some sort of cc to ensure the skillshot hits both times. Autoattack -> W resets auto attack -> boomerang blade -> spam laugh as the enemy adc has taken 250-300 damage. Her ult is really useful too, giving everyone nearby a bloodboil (and you a super bloodboil) at a time where a team consisting entirely of ad characters is not out of question. And Spellshield because fuck you taric/leona/blitzcrank/lux/fucking everyone except for thresh.
The problem with sivir is that everyone tries to play her like an adc, I think she's a hybrid of ad caster/ad carry because she has one of the best ration on her q, which makes building damage more efficent than usual adc stuff