What is the most miserable time you've ever had in lane? I'd like to add, a member of your team going afk or trolling and completely screwing your chances doesn't count unless it is a good story.
I'm torn out of the following two:
The game I just had playing tristana with an alistar support, against draven and thresh. It just wasn't enough that we were being crushed, as soon as their jungler (kha) and mid (cass) sensed that we were struggling they were bot every few minutes. They went all in level 1 and I had to burn my barrier then go back. When I returned to lane he had bought boots and was level 3.
The next one was a little while back. I was trying to learn riven at the time, I saw a pick that I was fairly sure was going to be top lane. I think it was singed but I can't remember. The next enemy instalocks garen. At this point I did not play much top lane, I played mid/adc/support only. Yeah... I got stomped on so hard. My team were really angry and I got reported 9x for unskilled and everything! I was so sad I didn't play top again for ages.