Why everyone keep ignoring me , I just wanna become better at LoL but no one gives a fuck about what I post.
Just won a game vs Elise top as Nasus. I was able to win lane after I got SoEL and we were going to demolish the game but we started to battle mode and throw the game. It went from 17-8 to 17-19 after some terrible play. That got them back into the game and Elise became fed from it. But due to how superior late game comp we were able to win a 55min game. That game I served my role as a damage soak/wither bot for Graves who didn't buy a sash and didn't have cleanse and I was to get 24/7 Withers on him.
I was a utility tank in this game, going 4/13/26, with all the kills going to the carries of Rzye and Caitlyn. I should have built differently, getting more supportive tank items like Locket of the Iron Solari. My Q farm was terrible due to having to max E in lane to be able to go against Elise.
The first game, I was a threat with my 300+ farmed Q. They couldn't kill me as Graves was able to go to town along side me.
I feel like Nasus can't be countered top lane due to the ability to max E and farm safely. Then again, I haven't gone against Darius but Teemo, Kayle and Elise are all easy due to the power that Wither, Spirit Fire and once you get it, Spirit of the Elder Lizard all synergise together. Not to mention, the counters to Nasus don't have ways to sustain themselves, sure Kayle has a heal but Nasus has incredible damage once he gets SoEL.
Yea nasus is a strong pick, very hard to go against as pretty much anyone. I can't really see anyone REALLY being able to counter him, mainly because of his slow. Teemo would probably be the #1 choice because of shroom trapping and his Q, plus poking.