Im having a little bit if trouble using Caitlyn.
Which lanes are best for her?
Solo are support?
build for her. (not the generic mobafire build)
When I go solo top I usually do pretty good but if I get 2x team I dont know what to do.
well just go for a classical adc build, Berserker boots, Infinity edge, bloodthirster, blade of the ruined king, phantomdancer/statikk shiv.
not sure why people say caitlyn needs a BorK... imo she benifits more from getting a LW and GA then a BorK + one of the said items. if they are a tanky team in champ select, probably shouldn't be playing caitlyn then.
I'd try another champion. AD carries need strong mechanical skill at the game which is the ability to last hit incredible well and position yourself perfectly in fights so you can dish out the maximum amount of damage. In this current meta, AD carries have taken a turn for the worse, especially when teams have 4 champions with gap closers and warmogs and just jump on your shit.
For guides, I'd look on solomid, lolking or lolpro.
So I just had probably the worst game I've ever played. I was jungling as diana against a shaco. I knew he'd be in the bush next to the red buff waiting for me. Went to the red buff, saw his deceive cloud in the fog of war. Didn't give a shit, I stayed thinking I could take him. At around 30 hp left, I flashed away knowing that his jack-in-the-box would kill be even by flashing. But hey, why not waste a perfect flash. Gpt first blooded.
After that, a fail gank at top because I missed my E. No biggy so far.
And then it comes. Waiting in the enemy golems bush for enemy top (xin) to come back from recall Xin arrives to the turret, our shen destroys it and immediately ultis bot. My reaction time sucked so hard that I actually went in to gank just to actually figure out that I'll be alone. Gave a free kill to zin.
Then a fail flash. Then another fail flash. Then a missed Q going around thr vayne missing the last hit that would've killed her and dying for it...
Please tell me these kind of games happen to you too. I was lucky I was carried so hard for the victory.
Just went up against Diana, Reneketon, Zyra (support), Draven and Udyr (Jungler) and they insta-kill out Cait and just all focus down one person. Zyra built pure ap and they had absurd sources of magic and physical damage. Retarded team comp.