good head dude
decapper stop lying that aint your head this is your first head ever!
ROYAL dont partner with him he puts his heads way to high priced with 2 little quality
So i should use good grammar...
Why he should post an application he got tested and i would say he is a Elite.
So simply say yes he can or no....
And somthing i would say you seekuu.....
FUck you fuck you fuck are the greatest motherfucker on this planet fuck you you dont have anything to say about my grammar you should shut the fuck up motherfucker....
If i would live in your country i would kick you in real life.....damm motherfucker
I quit this fucking clan....cya ingame motherfucker
And Matt its not your fault its Seekuu's cya
Omg tripple Posting wow anything to say........Seekuu
Last edited by Nirs; Dec 8, 2009 at 04:19 PM.